Sunday, February 10, 2008

TO oth good to be true!!!!

Abbi hit yet another monumental moment in her life, she has lost yet another tooth, yup that makes 5 the official count and another loose and ready to fall out. However, we encountered a HUGE problem, Abbi lost her tooth while at school, and lost it in the hallways. Abbi came home from school very distraught that the tooth fairy would not know she had lost another tooth. We considered such solutions such putting a fake in the bag, using one of the other ones that we have kept, writting a note to the tooth fairy. We decided together that if we wrote a note to the tooth fairy and explained the situation she would be understanding enough to still leave abbis reward. Lucky for us that tooth fairy is a very nice, smart, fun, intellegent. . . . ok you get the point, anyway lucky for Abbi the tooth fairy came to visit afterall. Now she has saved up $6 to buy somthing very special that she hasn't yet decided yet. She sounds a little like her mom, she likes to save up and buy big!!!

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