Friday, February 29, 2008

Under the Sea. . . A Pirates or Mermaids Adventure!!

Our local library has a story time for kids Monday - Thursday and I have found this is an awesome place to take the kids to learn and spend time with different activities. The theme this month is pirates, fish, under the sea. . . anything in that nature. I was amazed Issac was soo into the stories of pirates and under sea adventures. Even Avrie was in awe with it all and stayed seated on the floor the whole time.
Issac got to be part of the deep see adventure he was the Crab.

Avrie got to be a fish, a beautiful fish with beautiful scales . . . . rainbow scales.

We get to go fishing under the sea, we get the walk the dangerous crocodile catwalk which can be very dangerous if you happen to step on the jaws of a hungry crocodile. Our favorite activity of all was the parachute. . . all the little fishies that get to swim under the sea. The fun of making story time come to life. Next week we get to go swimming at the "pirate" pool. Its pirate day on the 3rd and we are invited to go to pirate cove where there will be all sorts of activities. Thank goodness we have stuff like this to keep us entertained in the long winter.

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